
Last Year's Resolution

My New Year's Resolution for 2011 was to read a novel a month for the entire year. After being out of college for a while and realizing that I hadn't been reading anything lately I thought it would be a good idea to get back into the habit. I created a reading list for myself and (for the most part) kept to the schedule of reading a book a month.

Now it's the end of the year, and I've read all twelve books on my list, plus some. I think that's a big improvement from my previous year of barely reading anything! So I'm planning to continue this resolution and read another twelve books in 2012. To see next year's reading list, visit my Book Club blog.

I've proved to myself that I can read a book a month, so I need to come up with another resolution for 2012.


Now that I've gotten back to reading more, I'd also like to begin writing more. Looking through the archives of this blog I've noticed that I don't write much about myself. Granted, I have started posting a lot more since I introduced the Top 5 and Best Thing features, but what does that tell you about me? That I like 90s movies and Hello Kitty and typography? That's not personal. I want to be more transparent in my writing, like I'm talking to a friend and not as if I'm writing an article or a school paper. I know I like it better when I read something that's directed towards me, not the general public, and I'm guessing that you do, too.

I'm playing with the idea of starting a new blog - more of an online magazine, really - that would feature different types of writing by a variety of young people. I've already got some friends lined up (i.e. we've tweeted about it) and I'm excited to start a group-driven culture blog. It's an idea that I originally toyed with back when I first started college and had the grandiose idea that with my limited experience I would be able to publish a full-blown website. Needless to say I had no idea what that entailed, and now that I'm actually able I'd like to get it off of the ground.

Hopefully, sometime in the next few months I'll be introducing you to a new blog full of stories and articles and commentary. In 2011 I accomplished something for myself, in 2010 I'd like to do something on a larger scale. Lets hope this works!
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