
Top 5: Lines from My Favorite Movie

If you've been keeping up with this blog, then you know that I started a new feature counting down to Christmas. I have spend the last few weeks posting every day about the holiday, and it has taught me one thing: I am sick of talking about Christmas. I love the holiday, and all of the things that go along with it, but I don't think I can write yet another post about it. So for today's Top 5 I decided to talk about something about as far from Christmas as possible: Fight Club.

Fight Club is my favorite movie. I'm not sure why - it's violent, has a ton of bad language, and plenty of disturbing imagery. But the storyline, the cinematography, the acting, I love all of it. I get the best double-take reactions when people ask my favorite film and I tell them that it's Fight Club. Apparently I look like a fan of The Notebook or something? I don't know. I've read the book by Chuck Palahniuk also, and all of his books I've read are equally fascinating and disturbing. Both are wonderfully quotable, and below the jump are my Top 5 favorite lines from the film. 

5. "With a gun barrel between your teeth, you speak only in vowels." 

There are a lot of flashbacks in this film, so I'm not sure if this is at the beginning at the end, but at this point in the film Brad Pitt has a gun in Ed Norton's mouth. And it's true, he did only speak in weird vowels.

4. "This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time."

I know a lot of people look at this movie and see a testosterone-filled blood fest but the characters bring some really great commentary on the purpose of life. Is there more to existence than showing up for work and ordering all your furniture form the Ikea catalog? Yes. Does that mean you should burn down your apartment and start making soap in your basement with your imaginary friend? Probably not. But this quote is still applicable. 

3. "On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero." 

In other words, you won't live forever. It's just a fact. The narrator in the movie spends a lot of time with the terminally ill (he crashes support groups) so he has a lot of first-had experience with the dying. And as messed up as his life is, I think it helped him understand how fleeting life can be.

2. "It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything." 

This is probably my favorite inspirational quote from this movie, if there can be such a thing. I have a tendency to find inspiration in the most ridiculous places - as you can probably tell - and really like this sentiment. Before you can do the things you want to do, you have to get rid of all the rest of the junk in your life. Who knew you could learn so much from Tyler Durden? 

1. "I am Jack's smirking revenge."  /  "I am Jack's complete lack of surprise." 

I chose the "I am Jack's..."  lines from the film as my favorite quote of the movie because I couldn't choose my favorite. I used to have a list and I think there are like 8 variations throughout the film. In the books Palahnuik used a name other than Jack, although I can't remember which one. They don't make any sense outside of the context of the movie, which is kind of why I love them - you only get it if you are a fan. Which I am.

I could go on and on about the things I love about this movie (Helena Bonham-Carter, Jared Leto, the spliced-in scenes, etc.) but I will spare you for now. Maybe next Christmas.

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