
Time After Time

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I love finding inspiration in unlikely places. In dark novels, the Sunday comics, Disney movies – you can find inspiration anywhere. My most recent revelation has come in the form of 80s pop music. This morning a friend of mine posted this lyric on her Facebook page:
“If you’re lost you can look and you will find me…”
Obviously, it’s a lyric from Cyndi Lauper’s 1984 single Time After Time. Cyndi Lauper is my favorite 80s chick. If I were invited to an 80s party, she would be my costume hands-down. Pink hair, black lace gloves, miss-matched earrings, who wouldn’t want to dress up as her? 

Photo from here.

But I digress. This song is one of my favorites, so of course I recognized it, but it struck me a little differently today.  I think it was because of the context – not Facebook, but the friend who posted it, who is a woman from my church and one of my fellow worship team members. Coming from her, I immediately read the lyrics in a Christian context. I don’t know if she intended it that way, or was just torturing her children by blaring her favorite songs from high school on a Saturday morning, but as I read it my first thought was What if God were saying this to me?
Think about it for a minute. I imagine myself in the second verse:
“Sometimes you picture me, I’m walking too far ahead.
You’re calling to me, I can’t hear what you’ve said.
Then you say, “Go slow,” I fall behind. The second hand unwinds.”
I’m out there, going my own way, not paying attention to God. He’s trying to tell me something but I’m out of earshot. Then finally I hear Him, and He says to slow down, so I fall in step with him. And then He tells me:
“If you’re lost you can look and you will find me – time after time.
If you fall I will catch you – I will be waiting – time after time.”
Isn’t that a lovely picture? That’s just like our God, looking out for us. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6, NIV)
Time after time.
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