
Top 5: Shows to Watch Someday When I Have Netflix

I know it's not true, but sometimes I feel like I am part of only 1% of the nation that doesn't have a Netflix account. I live out in the country, and for some reason the local cable companies have refused to bring cable out to our road. We live on a road between two state routes - both of which have cable - but since we didn't have access everyone signed up for satellite, and now that everyone has satellite they won't bring us cable. We're stuck in a catch-22. And since there is no cable, there is no high-speed internet - and no Netflix streaming.

Someday, when I'm able to live in the city and have my own internet hook-up, I'll sign up for Netflix. And when I do, these are the 5 shows I am most anxious to see:

5. Angry Beavers
Don't laugh at me, but I love this stupid show. I used to watch it with my sister all the time back when it was on Nickelodeon, and when she recently got Netflix she found that they have lots of episodes and sent me a video clip of our favorite one. I've been jealous ever since.

 4. Downton Abbey
I'm really curious about this show. It's got a lot of hype lately, since it stars greats like Maggie Smith, and is set in Victorian England, which just sounds fantastic. It must be like getting to watch a Jane Austen novel for an hour each week.

3. Firefly
How was I not watching a space western starring Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk? Probably because it was only on air in 2002, when I was a sophomore in high school and spent all of my free time doing homework. But someday I am going to watch all 14 episodes and the accompanying movie and finally be able to talk to all the Joss Whedon fans out there.

2. Freaks and Geeks
This series launched the careers of Seth Rogen, Jason Segal, James Franco, John Frances Daly and Busy Phillips. So basically it was a Judd Apatow series staring some of my favorite comedians. How did this not last? Why do all of the most awesome shows get cancelled after only one season? I remember it being on TV and wanting to watch it, and actually had an English professor in college recommend that I check it out. It looks awesome.

1. Doctor Who
I feel like a complete failure as a nerd for having never seen an episode of this show. And it has been on the BBC since 1963 which is completely insane. People keep telling me how much I will love it, and how amazing the show is, and making references to the show, which just makes me sad since I am not able to watch it. But as soon as my Netflix account is confirmed, you can bet that I'll be streaming all the revival seasons starting back in 2005. 
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