
Top 5: Little Debbie Snacks

Depending on where you grew up, your childhood treats were made by Hostess, Tastycake, or the infamous Little Debbie. When I was a kid Hostess were more "special-occasion" snacks - we only got them when Mom made a trip to the local Hostess outlet - and they don't sell Tastycakes around here, so when we had cookies at school or church, it was often in the slim box of the Little Debbie desserts. I grew up with a diabetic mom, so we didn't keep cookies in the house much, so getting a box of these were a Big Deal. Even though I'm old enough to buy them myself, and they're only like $1 a box, I still think of it as a treat when I get to have some Little Debbie's.

5. Oatmeal Creame Pie
These are the most generic of the Little Debbie's, and are very popular among grandparents, which is where most of us are introduced to them. It's like eating vanilla ice cream - plain and simple, but oh so good.

4. Nutty Bars
These are always a favorite among kids, partially for their peanut-buttery goodness, and partly because it is tradition to eat at least one of them by peeling them apart layer by layer. What is it about dissecting food that makes it so appealing to children? Who knows.  I always liked that they were crispy, unlike most of the Little Debbie snacks.

3. Cosmic Brownies
I'm sure they have a million calories or something, but these are some of the best brownies ever created. They are dense and fudgy and studded with bright candy-coated chocolate chips that make them out of this world (pun fully intended). My dad used to bring them home from school at the end of the year and stick them in the fridge - to this day my favorite way to eat them is chilled. Mmmm.

 2. Fudge Rounds
Seriously, who doesn't like Fudge Rounds? It's two chocolate cookies, drizzled with chocolate frosting, sandwiched together with chocolate filling. In other words, the perfect amount of chocolate. These are also pretty tasty chilled but I will eat them no matter what the temperature.

1. Star Crunch
My Great-Grandma Betty used to keep her cupboard stocked with Little Debbies for when the grandkids came to visit, and Star Crunches were one of her favorites. It wasn't long before I was hooked, too. Gooey caramel and rice crispies covered in chocolate? Yes, please! I can eat a whole box of these by myself. When it comes to Star Crunch I don't share well.
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