
My Newest Project: Blessedly Peculiar

Just in case you don't follow my Twitter and Facebook updates, I'd like to introduce you to my newest endeavor: Blessedly Peculiar.

Blessedly Peculiar is a new blog that I've started featuring devotional writings and inspirational quotes aimed towards who I'm referring to as "unconventional Christians": believers who find inspiration in a wide variety of places, from summer blockbusters to classic literature. It's a way for me to get into the habit of reading and writing about my faith as well as a way to share the weird things I find inspirational with others. I'm updating three times a week, with a pop-culture-inspired devotion on Mondays, a short Bible study on Tuesdays, and a quote on Fridays. You can follow the project through Blogger, Tumblr, Twitter and Facebook for updates in whatever way you like best. Please check it out!
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