
July Novel: A Clockwork Orange

I know it's the middle of August, and I'm just now getting around to posting the July book review. I've been doing pretty well with reading my novels before the end of the month like I intended, but in July this just didn't happen. My little sister got married at the end of the month (yay!), and with all the wedding prep I completely ran out of time to even buy a copy of the book. I just finished reading it, which is definitely going to put a strain on finishing my August book before the first of September, but I'll be pressing on! Maybe this year I will finally accomplish one of my New Year's resolutions.

The word that best describes my initial reaction to Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange is "perplexing." The story was completely bizarre and somehow extremely familiar. I know it sounds weird, but I feel like I know someone who acts kind of like Alex, repeating words three times and acting tough but listening to classical music in their spare time. Maybe I just have some odd friends.

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