
25 Days: Stickers

Like I said yesterday, we are a family of passive pranksters. Since my sister liked to shake and inspect each of her presents before Christmas morning, my mom decided to mix things up one year and NOT put our names on the gifts. I thought it was brilliant. Instead of name tags, Mom bought four different kinds of holiday stickers and assigned one of them to each person in the family - but didn't tell anyone. We had to spend the time leading up Christmas guessing which person got which sticker. It was one of my favorite Christmases of my entire childhood.

My sister Whitneigh, on the other hand, remembers it as one of her least favorites. She was tormented by the fact that she couldn't tell which presents were hers to shake and which ones were someone else's. Mom thought it was hilarious and kept the secret until Christmas morning when we were finally allowed to know which sticker was ours. Whitneigh still resents her for it.

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